Shipping Policy

When you place an order online or by calling your order will be processed within 24 hours of store hours. If you place your order before 11:00am EST your order will be sent out in the same day.

Retail Shipping Policy
All orders are sent through USPS unless the order is cheaper and faster to send through UPS. If the customer wants upgraded to UPS shipping they will pay the cost of shipping through UPS to Northern Nutrition. If the customer qualifies for free shipping Northern Nutrition will subtract $10 from the cost of UPS shipping.

Wholesale Shipping Policy
All orders will be sent through UPS unless there are 1-5 items. Note: No free shipping on food items and MLC unless the supplement part of the order alone is over $300.

Online Order Shipping Policy
All online orders will be processed within 24 hours of store hours. If your order is placed before 11:00am EST it will be sent out same day.